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I’ll take 1,000 more ear flickings!!

21 Jun

 Nov 5, 2010… 
Pulmonary Emboli wanted to take my life… Well, they didn’t! And those two weeks when I was in the hospital I promised myself never ever ever again would I abuse my body!!  I promised, I would be fit and make good food choices, and I would take care of it.  I prayed Dear God LET ME LIVE!!  And…  He did!

I got the clearance to start exercising in Jan 2010. 
I called personal trainer Jillian Rowe from Richmond Hill, GA and, we started…  I haven’t looked back and I haven’t stopped… 
This wasn’t about me getting skinny right away… No, this is about becoming fit and changing my lifestyle. 
I’ll let the pictures speak for themself…

Remember ONE thing if you are a weight loss journey “Pain is only temporary, quitting last’s forever!!” 
Never give up!!  

What’s 40 more pounds right? 

Love you guys who have been supportive through this…