Archive | April, 2009

Just a little salt please…

27 Apr

OK let me take the band aide off really fast… 

Honey was laid off by Uncle Sam. 

It’s been;
Did I meantion stressful…?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

He was told “great job” but, we don’t have money for you so, please clean out your office don’t call us, we will call you… 
No, it didn’t happen like that it just feels like it. 
He was on the bottom of the totem pole and he had to go buh-bye…. 
The program that was funding Honey’s position was cut.  We knew it was happening, we just were hoping that they would find him another route to keep him on the team… 


(Let me just say this really does have a happy ending… )

Whereas, I am VERY proud of the fact that I am a( part time )military wife… 
Sometimes I wonder WHO AND WHY they put people in the positions they do…  Not that I am talking crap about the military but, I can put you in touch with a FEW military wives they will tell you stories that will make your head spin (like the Exorcist). 
I’m not saying you don’t have dumb supervisors in the civilian sector  you do…  Plenty… 
It’s just…  
Just be patient with me… 

Onward with the story…

When honey  cleaned out his office, he knew somebody else was going to be occupying it and he left all the pertinent marketing materials that this person was going to need. 
Meaning…  He took all his personal stuff…  AND cleaned it…  Like he was TOLD TO DO… ( solider clean the office…  eye eye sir…)
One day at lunch…  He gets a phone call.. ( mind you he has been laid off for DAMN NEAR A MONTH) he was told he needed to come and clean out his office… 
This was AFTER SOMEBODY MOVED IN… ( In my book that doesn’t make it his office anymore that makes it the last person occupying it RIGHT???????)
This person, MADE IT  THEIR OWN AND WAS USING THE MATERIALS LEFT because DUDE taking over HIS office  NEEDED IT!! 
Now you want my husband who has been out of work a month to come, and clean an office that he hasn’t used …
YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!????????????????????
Um NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Talk  about  adding salt to the wound…  
At the time it wasn’t funny… 
My heart hurt for my husband, he really enjoyed the job he did and by the way… he didn’t go and re-clean out the office… 
It’s funny now…. 
We get a HUGE kick out of it!  He He…

Yea!  No moz...

Mad moms in mini-vans

27 Apr

I never thought in my life I would be driving a mini-van!  I never ever wanted a mini van, is a matter of a fact I would have rather chewed off a finger then drive one…  then one day I woke up with  four kids…   Yes, let me count again… 1… 2… 3… 4…  Nope not dreaming…  (BIG SIGH) Don’t get me wrong I do love being a mommy, but, at times I think WOW what on earth did I get myself into, and NOW a mini van…  

Any-who this is what it looks like, Happy Mother’s Day Dolores!!!

My mini van YAY!

My mini van YAY!

Numbers 2400 and some…

24 Apr

I wish I could find mine and Honey’s race numbers, that is what I wanted to put for the headline for this blog… 

Savannah, GA had its first Race for the Cure April 18th, 2009.  It was a site to behold, if you could not make it this year…  Please try and make it next year, I will keep you @ my house or my parents house!  We can caravan to the race site in my NEW mini-van (ha-ha– more on that later…)

I did sign up to participate in the race but, I did not get a chance to…  I set the goal to walk the 5K in 45 mins, I will do one in of the surrounding races and maybe I will even get a chance to run it…
I was in charge of decorating  the survivor trolley, and  had an unexpected surprise  little did I know Paula Deen was going to be riding with the survivors, and  being a board member I  was given the privilege to ride with her and the survivors…  What a wonderful personality Paula has!  I did get a picture taken with her and yeah, I was star struck! 
Our ride was lengthened by the 3000 + runners/walkers that we had to let pass…

I will tell you what…  In that moment nothing else mattered…  I watched the race participants go by and I was in complete AWWWWW….

 Savannah really came through for us…  I was in shock … 
I almost lost in that moment and teared up  it several times that day but, it wasn’t until survivor/board member/friend  handed me a pink potted plant from the survivor event that I finally cried! 
It could not have been pulled off without all the volunteers that were recruited…  If you could only see the behind the scenes like I did I want to say we over 200 volunteers!  AMAZING!!

Honestly?  It’s beyond words, around 15 years ago(this month), my beloved grandmother died of Breast Cancer…  She donated her body to the City of Hope so, that women/men would have a chance to live were she didn’t…  Mom’s you didn’t die in vian…   You… Are…  The…  Reason… 

Quoted from the movie from a movie Field of Dreams “If you build it they will come…” and they did…  Thank you everybody for your passion… 

If you would like to see more pictures please click here