Archive | August, 2009

Watch who does your taxes ( Part 2 of D’s Craptastic YEAR)

25 Aug


It’s funny how you are reminded that your life is not your own and in a nano-second things can change!


You want to talk about a turn of events…
Because, of an error my life has been turned upside as of right now I have no light at the end of the tunnel… Maybe soon that will change BUT, as of right now as I type these words… Let me check again…

Nope no light…

I really cannot do any finger pointing because at this point in time I really do not know what happened, and I most likely never will but, I guess that is the way life goes.
At least in my world…
Sooo.. I guess here goes.
This is a situation that is kind of a hard pill to swallow. When I say I have swallowed humble pie, I mean we have.
Where to start…???

Lets start with INCOME TAX season it’s always exciting ( accept when you have to pay…)

Our W-2’s came in Late Jan, we  took our  taxes to an accountant in Savannah, GA…

Around Mid- Feb we got a phone call saying our taxes where done, the IRS found a mistake ( in our favor)that she had made a mistake and that our taxes were corrected, the accountant said, we would be  getting more money back… (YIPPEE)
She told us “The money is going to be dropping very soon, give it about two weeks or so…” A phrase I was going to VERY use to hearing…
So, one month goes…Two months go…
And FINALLY I told Jason he needed to give the IRS a call.   And he did… We found out that the IRS had in-fact paid us (March 13 and state went in- Feb 28),  Ready for this–  it just went into another account.  So the IRS told us to fill out this form( either 1139 or 3911 I always transpose this number)
Jason went the accountant with the information that he had found, and she did in fact tell him that-(paraphrased) she did put the money in the wrong bank account but, that she was “putting a trace on it” to see where the money went to… (Another term I got use to hearing)  And she asked Jason to please not fill out the form and sendit in…  She said it would put her business at a stand still  and we don’t want to put anybody out like that…  He accepted this and did not send in the form.   
Let just add this– I am ignorant to tax laws and I really don’t know my head from my booty when it comes to things like this… So we took her at her word.
The first red flag was when, we called the IRS again, and come to find out no trace had been done to our account …  The other red flag that just hit Jason and I like a ton of bricks was:
Back he went – to talk to the accountant again, and she said:
The Government had frozen $ 12,000 of her money because they had to double check before releasing the money- called a “tack”…
Thinking about it now:  “DOLORES HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID!!”
On the flip side to that: Accountants speak Greek to me and I took this person’s word… Again let me say I really don’t know what actually happened, and I cannot do any finger pointing, nor will I until this matter is resolved. Back to the Story…:
Week after week… We got the “Your money will drop any day now” “Your money will drop any day now”…
We did call everyday, we did check on our stuff, we did not let this slide because we needed the money…
Alright so, as if we didn’t have THAT to worry about…

Our lives were spilling out of control at a rate of speed my head is still turning Lets see:
Jason was laid off from Uncle Sam (gotta love those budget cuts) and we lost a considerable income. 
We filled for  unemployment but, the state of GA was  so behind unemployment didn’t   kick in until 8 weeks AFTER he applied (we got hit on all ends)…
Any money we had was gone – Savings account was totally depleted
Oh yes!!  Let the good times roll haha( at least I still have a sense of humor)

Back to the story…:
Finally after weeks of “your money will drop any day now” …
I called the IRS and got the same information accept this time, I went ahead and filled the necessary paperwork (its either 1139 or 3911 ) and faxedit in… I felt really bad doing so, and I can’t even tell you why.  Contray to popular opinon I am a nice person.  I do have a heart…  ( SHHH don’t tell anybody)
 A couple of weeks go by and basically after many many many phone calls the IRS finally gives us an answer, and in “Dolores speak” the letter reads something like this:
“ Hey sorry we cannot help you because, WE HAVE ALREADY PAID YOU STOP BOTHERING US!!!”
We made one last phone call to the IRS. FINALLY somebody with an open mind helped us. And honestly the IRS has been very helpful it’s just that their hands are tied.
The guy explained everything to us in terms we can understand.
What happened was the person who did our taxes didn’t put her EIN or SS # as a preparer on our taxes so; it was made to look like we did our own taxes.   And we put them into the bank account listed. The Bank account that our money went to, it went to wasn’t even an authorized dealer that deals with practitioners (Jackson Hewitt, H and R block have a handful of banks that they use, and the bank routing number wasn’t on the list).

Shockingly enough, The IRS gave us the bank account and routing number- I guess after the investigation they can do that… Because, we are now in possession of that, it did go into an “open” bank account, and the numbers?
Not even CLOSE to our bank account. Is a matter of a fact this went into a “business account”.
This particular bank that was used- personal bank accounts start with a 1 and business accounts start with a 2… Needless to say this account started with a 2…
Maybe you’re thinking OH MY… the IRS broke all kinds of laws by giving you this bank account number… YOU MIGHT BE SCREAMING PRIVACY ACT!!
Well… even us having this bank account number… It’s not like we can do anything with it. We are not authorized users; the only thing we can do is… deposit money.

You would think it’s a really simple cut and dry case. Taxes go into wrong bank account; we should get our money no problem?
WRONG! If you only knew the hoops we are going through to try and recover money that is OURS!
It’s been a nightmare. And, like I said…
We have no end in sight. It’s not as black and white as it seems. You have all kinds of shades of grey… Let me say this, I know the Taxes laws more then I ever wanted to and it sucks being on this end of things! Listen ya’ll… Learn from this: A. Always see your taxes

OK, now I have to go and eat worms and hide my head in the sand… Listen wake me up when this year ends OK?

Humanity, will sometimes shock you…

7 Aug

Part 1 of my blog! 

I have been struggling with this blog…  I know what I want to write.  The proper words are not coming to me …
I want this to be a shiney happy blog!  I want to be in that state of mind again…
 I cannot bring myself to even start it correctly with  sounding like, I am playing the victim card.  I am not trying too… 
I just have had a craptastic year… (it’s had it’s good points, VERY good points! In general if I play out the statistics…  I have had better years…)
But, here I am… 
Wondering …
Just Here…
(taps fingers on keyboard, that’s another thing I do ALOT!!!!!  I think it’s a nervous twitch or something)
Ok speaking of my craptastic year…   

I have been MIA in the blogosphere cause I want to write happy positive things–  I cannot be one of those bloggers that has NOTHING good to say…  Man, I hate those bloggers…  I once read this blog were this person complained about Disney(have I already mentioned that?  If I have then please forgive me) I mean WHO goes to Disney and complains!  GEESH! 
Ok, well people life is crappy(honestly not wait I want to put… ) Damn does it suck…  ( I like the word damn… I use it alot! )

Onto the shiney happy part…



When you pay it forward to somebody you don’t throw it back in their face… Which was done to me.. I thought somebody was acting out of the kindness of their hearts helping my family during a time a crisis. Whereas, we stil would not have been able to do this with out the family that helped us out… I regret ever accepting this invitation… The one thing they cannot take back from me is seeing Disney through my children’s eyes. So, if you plan on “paying-it-forward” please don’t come back six months later and throw it, in the person’s face… Be humble, Be thankful you were able to help… NOT BOASTFUL or CRUEL!  Which was added because, this person threw what she did back in my face, I never asked for this and I sure as hell didn’t expect it thrown in my face…  No humanity SUCKS!  And I met the worst kind!

The Magic Kingdom  the happiest place on earth(not being all cliche and stuff, it really is!!!).  I smilied the entire time… 
Neatest part?  I saw Disney through my children’s eyes, what an awesome experience!!  It’s so different to see their eyes wide open taking everything in… 
For a brief a moment in that span of time I got to forget about what is going on here…
We  never could we have afforded it ( well not never. I am being my  overly dramatic self ) At this point in time we would not have been able to take the kids… 
In case you didn’t know, our economy sucks and even people, who have never had to penny pinch are doing so!! 
I was just fine with my “lil” stay-cation @ my parents house (mainly due to the fact that our landlords would not fix our air conditioner *nice people huh?* please remind me to tell you-  they made us keep a creepy picture of Jesus up, and it’s really hard to have a creepy picture up …  I will blog about that later, oh and tell me if I have already …  needless to say it’s down…) Oh yeah my parents have a pool…  Which is why I packed up the kids and stayed with the parental units…  let me say I am loving being at home( I had to throw that in…)
Back to our trip…
She got a great deal on passes for 5 days all parks minus water parks, paid for our hotel room, gas money and an anonymous donor helped with spending money…

Back to our fabu vacation- We went to Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Disney, Animal Kingdom and Epcot…  We have passes for one more day but, really we needed to get back to reality the children where starting school On Wends… 
Victoria was little bit on the hesitent side, she cried with the haunted mansion( sigh…)
  Alrighty BAD MOM…  I made her do it.. But, so did my mom so,I was just making sure I keeping with tradition (haha). 
Now the twins?  OMG!  What a nightmare… HOLY MOLEY!!!  My suggestion to anybody with children under the age of – three, I wouldn’t suggest it!  It had it’s good moments, but, it mostly had it’s moment’s that made honey and I tear out our hair!
his includes-Almost losing one, the temper tantrums,  WE had to take turns on rides, um….  OH YEAH..  One fell from the stroller bumped his head on the concrete…  Everybody around me freaked out..  (rolls eyes) I had to tell everybody(nicely) me  he is crying, his pupils are NOT dilated, he is responding to my voice and can follow my fingers, YES LADY-I WILL NOT LET HIM FALL ASLEEP…  I forgot to tell you… My husband is a medic! 
Adventurous to say the least

Low light of my vacation — the run in I had with a  VERY VERY VERY rude woman… (seriously…  Honey told me SEVERAL times let it go…  It’s done, I could not shut up)
WWJD went out the windwo(hangs head in shame),  I should have let the women knock my son out of the way with, and walk away and do nothing…  What happened was- this women said in a VERY RUDE TONE to my son, “EXCUSE ME and then PUSHED HIM OUT OF THE WAY!”  He almost was knocked over to the point I had to catch him– I almost punched the ever living crap out of her… (listen she was like built like an amazon and could have taken me down but, I tell you what… I would have ruined that nice pretty nose job of her’s ) WHO DOES THAT TO A CHILD!??
Admittedly so, I didn’t show a very good example to my children either, and I could not let it go!  I really couldn’t… 
I never used the F Bomb!  Now that is something I am proud of!  Honey, has rarely seen my inner Madea and he did…After the fireworks its absolute chaos everybody is scrambling to get out of the park and yes, I do understand your going to shoved and such…  But, you should have seen what she did to my son..  I guess you had to have been there!  Don’t mess with momma bear!  ha ha

All in all it was amazing!  I will never forget it and one day I hope to pay this person back the same way they did my entire family!  Maybe I will never be able to take their entire family on vaction but, I hope to one day return the kindness they showed us for those few days we got to spend with them!  In the middle of all of this chaos and disturbance…  It’s nice for the universe to show us compassion and shower us with blessings! 

Sometimes, in the middle of life…  You will have moments that take your breath away… 

Now, if I would have had the roaming gnome it would have been complete!!  Ha Ha!

Happy Bloggy Birthday My Inner Muse!

6 Aug

We made it two years!  Here is to many more years of crying, venting, happiness, dreams and much much more!!

Happy 2nd Bloggy Year!!!!!!

Happy 2nd Bloggy Year!!!!!!

I will eat crow its OK!

6 Aug

Speaking of the Bachelor I just want to say… 
Congrats to Molly and Jason from last season’s Bachelor… I was wrong you have endured alot of public scrutinity…  It’s not easy to make it when you have so many people hoping you fail…  Good Luck!  I wish you many years of everlasting love!!

Molly and JAson

Molly and JAson

Is it really cheating AND, why on earth do I watch these cheesy A** show’s…?

6 Aug

SOOO, Jillian…  The most boring Bachelorette in history gets engaged to Ed… (Personally, I would have chosen the dude that has the wine distillery… but, that is cause I am a wine drinker and…  Well…  COME ON who wouldn’t want their own personal arsenal of wine anytime they wanted it…  If your into wine.. ) Blah blah blah… 
So, on the off chance you don’t watch the show, it appears many-of you don’t…  The guy she chose,  Ed left the show for work reasons, then he comes back and  asks for Jill for a second chance and she gives him one…  No biggie  we have all done that…  OK, maybe you haven’t done it…  I was a serial dater, not to be confused with a serial bed hopper, never really was interested in playing hide the pickle with multiple men…
After everything is said and done and the last rose has been given out…   Now two women are coming forth saying that they were ALSO dating/sleeping with/doing to weddings with  Ed while he was on the show and, even after he got engaged… 
Now, I have to ask you something…  Is it really cheating…??  All these contestants on the show are dating 25 and in this case 30 men…  Your in hot tubs, making out. kissing, holding hands in front of TV and these other people you are dating( kinda takes voyeurism to a whole new level huh??)
Back to Jill days before the big proposal Jill was in a few of these compromising soft porn at times situations:
1. She was in a hot tub with Reid, sans clothing
2. She could not stop making out with Kiptyn the day before she got engaged.
3. She had an overnight date with Kiptyn
4. She went into hot tubs with Kiptyn
5. Moments before she accepted Ed’s proposal, she was freaking out about Reid’s proposal.
Now let me ask you this: If you were Ed, and your future fiance had done and of 1-5 above within 72 hours of you geting engaged to her, would this  bother you???  Of course it would! 

Come on!!  He was getting everything  in before he settled down(hehe)…  it’s no different then a “man’s bachelor” party…  Come on!  give it a break! 

Now what I cannot understand is why I continue to watch this show!  I lose IQ points every single time I turn on the TV!! 
Now let me ask you…  If all these allegations are true…  Did Ed really cheat on Jill??